
I am exhausted today. I can’t really pinpoint why, but I feel like I need a couple of days to just rest. With nothing much to do besides read, maybe watch a couple of movies and rest. Maybe it’s the need to recuperate from the busyness of the holiday season. Whatever it is, I’m tired. Not sleepy, but my body is tired…

But in the midst of this exhaustion I’m reminded of the sweet, refreshing words of my Savior: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28-30)”. So I’m doing that: I’m going to Him, learning from Him and finding my rest in Him.

Continuing today to count all the many gifts He gives. THOUSANDS of them!!

The easy thanks:

97. A husband with easy smiles and endless laughter.
98. A husband who helps around the house–SO much. Even without asking.
99. A husband—all sweetness personified.
100. Attitudes willing to mold, change, becoming what God is teaching us to be.

The hard thanks:

101. Pain.
102. Chastisement.
103. Growing pains.
104. Realizing that there are needs I was unaware of.
105. Wondering how it will all get done.
106. Realizing how much I don’t depend on God to meet those needs!
107. Sheer exhaustion.
108. I am not the all in all. Only God. Thank God!